Competition Guide


The Rocky Mountain Masters Ski Series is a nonprofit volunteer organization. Our members cover a wide range of ages and abilities. We compete in all ski-racing disciplines, DH, SG, GS, SL and Parallel SL. We offer a long race season with more speed events than any other division. 

Race Entry 

  1. A Rocky Mountain Masters membership is required except for masters visiting from other divisions. 
  2. For registration and detailed event information, go to and select Rocky Mountain Division. This information can also be found on our website at
  3. Registration status can be changed online up until the close of online registration, typically noon the day before each event weekend (recommended). If online registration is not possible, contact the office via call/text/email. Race day registration may not be available at all venues this season. 
  4. Check our website for any changes to schedule, discipline, or venue. 

Running Order 

The Start list for both runs is ordered using Masters Age Class designation. Racers within each class are ordered by earliest to latest signup. 

Unique Division Rules 

  • In addition to the USSA and FIS Masters rules, RMM has included the following to increase participation without impacting safety: Any racer who loses a ski prior to the first gate will be entitled to a restart. The starter can determine when the racer will be inserted. 
  • For the SG fast free skiing run, depending upon the hill conditions, the jury can allow participants to run the course (preferably in non-racing attire) with the primary purpose of getting used to the hill and not racing the course. 

Training Opportunities 

There are several Masters training programs in Colorado. Most offer options for full season training passes, multi-punch training passes and daily rates to accommodate newcomers and out-of-state racers. Most offer weekday and weekend options that can start as early as October and extend through April. Links to the Rocky Division training programs can be found at

Division Contacts and Further Information 

[email protected] | 970.921.9131